Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mom Heart Notes #8 Sept 2017 - books, curriculum and more

Hi Friends!  I know it's been forever, but a pregnancy and then a new baby (who is now a toddler!! :O) will do that.  I have also been helping Sally Clarkson quite a bit with her new membership site- Cultivating Life with Sally.  What a privilege to be a part of crafting a place for Sally to share and preserve her wisdom in so many areas.

But- a really fun Mom Heart meeting at the beginning of this month was full of fun ideas and book suggestions that I wanted to share.  This was a free-for-all meeting where we shared our favorite homeschool ideas and books.

These are no particular order and I haven't read/used them all personally, but they do all come from people that I respect.  :)

There are several different versions of these cards that show various art movements.

Anna Celenza has several books about various composers.  Excellent and fun.

This author has many different composers as well as artists.  Fun series.

Another author who has completed the stories of many different composers.

The following are some places to look for great book recommendations:

Websites for book ideas:

Plumfield and Paideia


Beautiful Feet Books

Other Miscellaneous Curriculum Ideas:

Picture Study Portfolios

Language Arts Curriculum

History Box