Having people into our home has always been a priority for
my husband and me. Small group Bible
studies, book studies, Sunday afternoon football viewing, a simple dinner and
game night; they all bring great joy to our family. So much so that we purchased our current home
with the express priorities of having a home that could accommodate long or
short-term overnight guests as well as host evening small groups. God blessed us and gave us the perfect place
for that. And so we use it as He has
called us to!
Here are some simple ways to make hospitality a little
1. Let go of
having a perfect house in size, shape or tidiness. If you wait until it is perfect, you will
never have anyone over.
2. Make it easier on yourself: buy paper plates, plastic forks and plastic
cups in bulk and then use them! One bulk
purchase will last you through many evenings of fellowship.
3. Ask your children to help you. Earlier today, one my boys set the table for
our dinner guests while the other acted as a gopher delivering items to their
proper homes so that the main living space was decluttered.
4. Do as much as possible ahead of time. Right now, I have spaghetti sauce simmering
in the crock pot and it’s been there all day.
In just a few minutes, I will boil a pot of spaghetti and cook some
broccoli. Our guests are bringing fruit
and bread. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
5. If you still have kitchen tasks to complete when
your guests arrive, invite them to help you.
We all feel more comfortable helping out a little than watching from a
distance. Or invite her to sit at the
kitchen counter with her feet up and a cold beverage while you finish up. Especially if she is pregnant.
6. Enjoy your guests while they are in your
home. The dishes and the tidying can
wait. Turn off your phone. Look your guests in the eye.
Inviting people into your home is a great way to make
friends. The friends we have now, in our
new home state, all came by inviting them to join us for a small group or
dinner. A little preparation with a
little relaxing of our perfectionism can make hospitality bring great joy.
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