I wrote this for Facebook and since I took the time to write it, I figured I would post it here.
1. I've been composing this in my head for weeks.
2. My therapist says that I have "perfectionistic tendencies" - hence #1.
3. Because I love to read and research, I really enjoy being a resource for people. Especially moms. More especially, new moms.
4. I dream of selling my art work to finance my love for books.
5. Homeschooling is exciting and perfect for me and my boys.
6. The transition from working woman to stay-at-home mom was a very difficult one for me. It still can be at times.
7. I recently took up knitting despite my own insistence that I don't need any more crafts.
8. Tackling my anxiety issues with God's and my therapist’s help over the last 18 months has been the best thing I have ever done for myself.
9. I love to organize. I am an administrative assistant at heart.
10. I have no fashion sense or make-up know-how. Ask my sister.
11. The best gift anyone can give me is time to myself. Craft supplies run a close second.
12. The ocean reminds me of God's power, faithfulness and constancy. Better than any place on earth. I feel centered and as if I can "breathe" when I am at the beach.
13. I have always wanted to be a runner for exercise. Purely efficiency reasons: more calories burned in less time. I am now running with a friend 3-4 times per week and have lost 13 pounds since January.
14. I dream of someday traveling to
15. I haven’t been able to attend a Padres baseball game since my dad died 2 years ago. It was our thing.
16. When I was in Elementary school, I rode the bus to school. During that time, Karina, Becky and I composed little songs called “Ongs.” They had motions and silly rhymes. We sat behind the bus driver where we could see ourselves in his mirror. One was called “Noses” and I can almost hear the tune in my head.
17. I am a reality show junkie. Lots of them. It’s shameful.
18. I have only lived outside of
19. I would love to live in a teeny tiny house on a
20. If 19 is impossible, then I would “settle” J for a house in the mountains with land. Trees, a creek, meadow, lots of open space for boys to run and play and be boys. And a horse for me.
21. I have extreme flight anxiety. Meds help a bit, but it is still very difficult.
22. Seeing my children choose out a book and sit down to “read” it by themselves is one of my greatest joys.
23. I have the most incredible husband. Just to give an example, I did not change a single diaper for the first ten days of Josh’s life. I pray the boys grow up to treat their wives as wonderfully as Eric treats me. I am spoiled.
24. I feel very blessed to be able to stay home full time.
25. Jeremiah 6:16 has been important to me recently. “This what the Lord says, ‘Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths. Ask for the good way and walk in it and you will find rest for your souls.’” Do less. Keep less. Live intentionally. Nurture relationships that are life-giving. Look at what people did in the “olden” days. Things don’t have to be so fast and busy and complicated.
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