Sunday, October 4, 2009


My favorite topic! I am so excited to have gotten my homeschool stuff organized, purged, and labeled (I love my label maker!). The best find of the day was the clear pocket shoe rack for the puppets! $8 at walmart with the exact number of pockets I needed. (Thanks, God!)

Some of the Monday through Friday bins for when the kids are looking for an activity. Filled with games, puzzles, and other things that I would rather them not have all-access to.

The extra supplies drawer. (once again, blogger baffles me as to why it rotated image..)

My favorite new organization cupboard!!! I love it. I even labeled the individual cubbies in the various organizers. (The plastic bin says "bingo daubers" - I need to find some remover and re-abel it "flashcards.")

The new puppet organizer!!!

Ah... I makes me breathe deeply and smile.